Monday, February 1, 2010

My Rules for Gadgets

So yesterday a friend of mine asked "Why do so many people feel the need to live up to others expectations." This is one of those things I ponder on a regular basis. For many, gadgets are the top new toy, the latest and greatest thing to "change and improve your life." For me, a gadget is anything (from a well organized coupon book to a reader)that makes my life all that much easier and helps me to prioritize my time. For the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a gadget is simply a "device". Generally, I do not have the newest, latest or greatest gadget. I buy what I need and if I don't need all of the bells and whistles, I get the model that has only what I need.

Like my friend, I am sick and tired of hearing people complain about the stuff they need. One fo my favorites is that their car is 3 years old and they need a new one for the simple reason that they have the old body style.

I do try to remind myself quite often that every one's priorities and lifestyle/situation are unique.

So here is my rule for the gadgets in my life: simply that it must help to simplify my day and does not necessarily need to be new, shiny, or flashy. It just needs to work and work for me.